Lors des épreuves de langues, il est très important de réussir les essais. Découvrez dans cet article les sujets qui sont tombés depuis 2010 afin de pouvoir appréhender au mieux vos concours.
– ELVI I –
– 2021 : In your opinion, is political polarization, or the divergence of political attitudes to ideological extremes, as we have seen in the United States, inevitable ? Do you believe it is the responsibility of politicians, or others, to address this. Illustrate your answer relevant examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2020 : In your opinion, should young people be trusted to drive societal and political change ? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples for the English-speaking world.
– 2019 : In your opinion, has the divide between haves and have-nots been exacerbated in the last generation? Illustrate your answer with relevant socioeconomic and cultural examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2018 : In your opinion, in what circumstances should citizens take things into their own hands to bring about social change ? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2017 : Do you believe an anti-establishment parallel can be drawn between the American election and Brexit ? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.
– 2016 : In your opinion, what motivates philanthropy? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.
– 2015 : Do you agree that in English-speaking countries higher education exists mainly for the sake of the economy?Justify your answer
– 2014 : To what extent can disseminating information obtained illegally be justifiable?
– 2013 : In your opinion, should political correctness limit freedom of speech? Justify your answer with relevant example drawn from the U.S. and/or the U.K.
– 2012 : In your opinion, what are the prospects for young Europeans in view of the current economic situation? Justify your answer with relevant examples.
– 2011 : In your opinion, to what extent the United Kingdom retain its influence in the world? Justify your answer with relevant examples.
– 2010 : To what extent can the United States still be considered a “land of opportunity” for immigrants? Justify your answer with relevant examples.
– 2023 : Provided the excesses of woke culture and cancel culture are put aside and objectively assessed, to what extent may the « culture wars » bring about positive social and cultural breakthroughs ?
– 2022 : In your opinion, does one’s gender affect one’s political attitudes, leadership style, and decision making? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2021 : In your opinion, in what ways will the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences affect the confidence citizens have in central government? Provide relevant examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2020 : In your opinion, does a candidate have to be a member of a group to correctly represent this group ? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples from English-speaking countries.
– 2019 : In your opinion, do technological advances provide solutions to current issues? Answer using relevant examples front the English-speaking world.
– 2018 : “I’m not a free speech absolutist, I don’t believe all ideas deserve an airing,” says Leigh Raiford, professor of African American studies at Berkeley. Do you agree? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples from the English-speaking world.
– 2017 : In the current political context, to what extent is the idea of “energy democracy” a valid prospect? Support your arguments with examples from the Anglophone world.
– 2016 : What is your opinion on Stephen Hawking’s statement: “the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”? Support your arguments with examples.
– 2015 : Do you think developments in technology necessarily lead to progress? Illustrate your answer with your own specific examples.
– 2014 : In addition to education, what other factord could contribute to greater social mobility?
– 2013 : In your opinion, is there a contradiction between the image of a tolerant society the US seeks to project and its current situation? Justify your answer with relevant examples.
– 2012 : In your opinion, what characterizes political discourse in the U.S today? Use examples to support your point of view.
– 2011 : In your opinion, what are the main differences in the way British and French people show their “love of country”. Justify your answer with relevant examples.
– 2010 : Do you agree with the author that, in the USA, “men are becoming ever more marginalized, while women are taking over the commanding heights of wealth and power”? In your opinion, is the situation very different in Europe?
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